LCH Pleased to Announce Small Grant Recipients

The Latino Center for Health is pleased to announce our 2018 Small Grant Program Awardees. This year, we have awarded funding to five small pilot and partnership development projects, totaling $70,000. These projects were selected to support community-academic collaborations through authentic partnerships dedicated to advancing Latinx health. We look forward to establishing long-standing relationships with these research teams in a joint effort to promote the health of Latinx communities across the state.

Please join us in congratulating our 2018 awardees:

$5,000 Award to Build Community-Academic Partnerships

Dr. Bea Gandara (Dental School) & Casa Latina

Project Title: The Urban Oral Health Promotores Project

Dr. Kathleen Kieran (Seattle Children’s Hospital) & Yakima Children’s Village

Project Title: Identifying Barriers to Transition of Care for Rural Latino Children in Yakima with Special Healthcare Needs

$20,000 Award for Pilot Research 

Dr. Lorena Alarcón-Casas Wright (UW Medicine) and Valley Medical Center

Project Title: Compañeros en Salud: Adapting and Pilot Testing Culturally-Tailored Diabetes Self-Management Program for Urban Latinos

Dr. Carmen Gonzalez (Communications) and Washington State Coalition for Language Access (WASCLA)

Project Title: Evaluating the Use of Technology in Language Assistance Programs Serving Latino and Other LEP Communities in Washington State

Dr. Sara Chrisman (UW Medicine) & SeaMar Community Health Centers

Project Title: Developing Support Materials for Provider-Initiated Conversations About Concussion Safety with Limited English Proficient Hispanic Families