Jennifer Rueda Verduzco
Jennifer Rueda Verduzco (She/Her/Ella) is from Vancouver, Washington but was born in California and raised in Oregon. Jennifer holds a BS in public health from the University of Washington. As the intern for the Latino Center, she supports our Adios COVID program by organizing the distribution of COVID test kits with access to telehealth services and additionally helps organize vaccine clinics. Jennifer also supported and organized our 5th Annual Latinx Faculty Recognition Event! Jennifer joins the team with past experience as a student assistant for the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), where she screened over 5,000 sources and extracted data from over 150 sources for a literature review on astrovirus and saporous. Alongside this, she served as a research intern at Seattle Children’s Hospital. During her time in this role, she qualitatively coded interviews conducted with healthcare providers and vaccine clinic organizers regarding best practices for vaccinating children with COVID-19 vaccines. Her interests include improving access to healthcare in immigrant communities, improving cultural competence in healthcare, and preventing diabetes in Latinx communities
“My current goal is to get accepted into medical school. My long-term goal is to become a primary care physician who serves immigrant communities!” – Jennifer